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Immigration Amnesty Spells More Terror and a Thing Called 'Third World Momentum'Article by Frosty WooldridgeJanuary 8, 2004Published on MichNews.com. Bush's immigration amnesty spells 'disaster' for this country with an emphasis on the word 'TERROR'. Why not invite Al-Qaida into our country with green cards? Forget the Orange and Red Alerts when terrorists have amnesty offered up on a silver platter. Bush's amnesty, being driven by Karl Rove, will prove the beginning of downward spiral of rewarded lawlessness inside our country. It is a carte blanche-no-limit-credit card for anyone invading the United States without penalty or fear of the law. It is a loss of the rule-of-law. It is the beginning of the United States becoming more like Mexico, Columbia, Saudi Arabia, Libya or any country where laws exist only at the discretion of the rulers. House Representative from Colorado, Tom Tancredo said, "Without secure borders, any guest program simply puts employers' craving for cheap labor ahead of national security…the president's proposals add new incentives for illegal immigration, which means increased risks of terrorist securing a foothold in the United States." Nowhere in his amnesty plans did Bush speak about securing our borders from further illegal immigration. We now have 10 million non-English speaking, mostly poor, uneducated, unscreened for diseases or intent, illegal aliens-now operating in this country. They cost us more in welfare, anchor babies, hospital overloading, drug gangs, and loss of education in our schools than any savings elite corporations make on their cheap labor. CEO's become wealthy and the American middle class suffers devastation. We citizens pay the price of school chaos, gangs, drugs and worse. This amnesty invites millions upon millions of would-be legal immigrants who were waiting in line to start jumping the line. Our southern borders will become massive shanty towns, called 'colonias', now numbering over 1 million and growing like a malignant cancer, where filth, disease, drugs, trash and mayhem reign. The new 'terror' will be the speed at which our cities, towns and communities are overwhelmed by aggressive and antagonistic groups that '…yearn to breathe free, use welfare as a lifestyle, push drugs, organize gangs and terrorize American citizens.' Have you heard of the axiom, "If you give them an inch, they will take a mile?" What happens when you give 10 million illegal aliens amnesty? How many of their friends and family will they bring into our country? What happens to us when another 10 million poor, illiterate, uneducated and unskilled illegal aliens pour into America? It's called, 'THIRD WORLD MOMENTUM'. The more we bring the Third World into our country, the more the Third World establishes its own form and style of living vs assimilating into America. What is that style of living? It's a massive lack of educational awareness or striving. It's a total breakdown in health care systems. It's a complete breakdown of police protection because bribery and corruption become the norm. It's a breakdown of the educational process that is necessary for a free society to continue and for a republic to exist. Everything you see happening in countries like Columbia and Mexico will be duplicated and multiplied in our country. On the terror side, in the past year, the Border Patrol apprehended 37,000 non-Mexican illegal aliens attempting to cross into the United States from out southern neighbor. A terrifying 7,500 of them were from countries that are known to harbor terrorists. You can bet another 9/11 will be just as easy to execute as the last one with this kind of aid and abetting by the US government. Another part of the terror is the media's national farce that "Illegal aliens do the job Americans won't do." Former livable wages have been depressed to that of slave labor so Americans can no longer live on them. Worse, standards are being corrupted. Example: In 1983, beef packing plants paid $17.10 per hour with benefits. Because of illegal aliens today, Hormel, Quality Pork, Tyson Chicken pay $10.00 per hour with no benefits. They colonized those jobs. Paving jobs, construction and fast food are colonized by illegals who do not speak English. Thus, America's needy kids, high school and college students don't stand a chance. The terror is a downgrading and degrading of our workforce. Tancredo said, "When you stop this flow of cheap labor, wages for most of those jobs will rise and American citizens will fill those jobs." If American citizens continue in apathy, 'THIRD WORLD MOMENTUM' will gain dominance. Instead of reading about their problems around the world, the Third World problems will be in your back yard. It's already happening. We've got 7,000 new cases of leprosy in our country. We suffer 16,000 new cases of tuberculosis. We've got 100,000 cases of hepatitis. Chagas Disease affects 16 million in Latin America. It's migrating into the USA. Malaria invades our borders in the bodies of illegal aliens. Laws, standards and quality of life will slide into Third World conditions. Look to California to be the first Third World state. Third World Momentum is like a tidal wave. Once it starts crashing on our shores as it is in California today, we won't be able to escape its grasp. We'll see the destruction of our school systems, medical systems, law and order systems-by sheer numbers and waves of these legal and illegal people migrating into our country without end. Remember that 80 million more people are added to the earth each year. That Third World Momentum will affect you now or it will affect your children later. We either deal with immigration now, or like that tidal wave, we won't be able to save ourselves. We desperately need a 10-year immigration moratorium or Third World Momentum will take us on a ride we will not survive. ![]()
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