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Immigration's Third World Cruelty to AnimalsArticle by Frosty WooldridgeFebruary 18, 2004Published on MichNews.com Gentle Song galloped into the wind. She raced along the fences of the pasture on summer days. Gentle Song carried kids on her back around the paddock. Last week, in California, two drunken illegal aliens killed Gentle Song for blood sport. Most countries in the Third World do not have laws against animal cruelty. Mexico is one of them. Some cultures do not share our fondness for pets. Muslims regard dogs as unclean and owners may have their pets confiscated while on a walk. In parts of Asia, cats and dogs are skinned alive and boiled-much like lobsters. One of the growing aspects of Third World Momentum invading the United States is the importation of cultures that perpetuate animal cruelty. Latin Americans invest in cock fighting like Americans cheer the NFL. In America today, roosters are thrown into a small pen. Men circle while placing bets on which cock will win. The roosters wear 'gaffs' or steel spikes taped to their legs. With no room to run, the cocks rage into a bloody melee to the death. Small children watch with their parents. Because kids are indoctrinated into this form of violence, they find animal cruelty to be a 'normal' aspect of life. The two men who killed Gentle Song gave no thought as they beat the horse to death. But immigrants bring other forms of Third World violence to animals. Dog fighting carries a felony punishment, but thrives in cities where immigrant enclaves hide it. They know it's against the law, but they refuse to shed their Old World ways. The 'melting pot' has become the 'savage arena' of the celebration of 'diversity'. Who suffers? Pet theft for dog fighting accelerates by the day as our immigrant populations expand. Trainers 'coach' dogs to fight by imposing a cruel protocol from the beginning of the dog's life. Dogs are starved to make them vicious, clubbed to make them tough, and are forced onto treadmills to the point of exhaustion. Sergeant Steve Brownstein of the Chicago Police Department said, "The dog fighting business is a bloody, gruesome spectacle in which one animal tears the other apart. When dogs lose fights, owners who are angry about losing money often throw them into vacant apartments to die slow, agonizing deaths from infection or starvation. I've seen dogs with the skin torn off their faces, stomachs ripped open and corpses of dogs burned alive for losing fights." In Arizona, up to half of missing pets are stolen. For what? Pima County Sheriff Mike Duffey said, "Dogs and cats are stolen to be used as bait in bloody training exercises for dog fighting." Another blood sport is called 'horse tripping'. It's practiced by Mexican charros. They defend it as a 'cultural' right in our country. This is a symptom of Third World Momentum invading America. Horses are driven around an arena. At full gallop, men pull ropes up to trip them. The horses plunge headfirst into the ground or somersault onto their heads. Many end up with broken necks, legs and other internal injuries. This is a part of the 'cultural diversity' being imported into America. A Mexican advocate of horse tripping, Gabriel Velasquez said, "It is a cultural thing, something that came down from our ancestors." Whether it is animal sacrifice in New York, horse tripping in immigrant enclaves in our Southwest, dog and cat fighting where newcomers band together--this cruelty crisis raises the question of "What is America becoming?" What about the human cruelty of 'female genital mutilation clitorectomies' to baby girls of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East? Why are we inviting this depraved behavior into our country? Where is this massive invasion of incompatible cultures from the Third World taking us? Who is responsible for facilitating this invasion of 1.5 million legal and the estimated 1 million illegal aliens rushing across our borders annually? When will Congress own up to this outrage? Do we want our children meshed with such cultural barbarism? Can we educate enough immigrants fast enough to stop the uncivilized behaviors they bring to our country? Will we be able to withstand their numbers as they 'demonstrate or vote' for their 'rights' to maintain their barbaric cultural practices? At 2.3 million arriving annually, the answer is, "NO!" We need a ten-year moratorium on all immigration into America so we can catch our national breath and regain a semblance of what this country means to humanity. It does not mean horse-tripping, cock fighting, dog fighting, animal sacrifices, clitorectomies to human babies or the killing of Gentle Song by drunken illegal aliens for the fun of it.
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